Damp Surveys Leeds

Assessing dampness can be difficult. Proper damp Surveys Leeds will adhere to BS 6576 standards and diagnose based on BRE digest 245 guidelines.

Damp Surveys Leeds

We’re honest and transparent

Provide long term guarantees

We are surveyors,
not salespeople

Flexible 0% finance plans available

Comprehensive surveys and expert advice

How We Help

What you need is an invasive survey. By invasive we mean lifting floorboards, removing skirting boards, drilling samples for moisture content, removing small amounts of plaster for salt analysis, checking drains, wall cavities etc. Although, on pre-purchase surveys this isn’t always feasible. It’s not as simple as prodding a wall with a moisture metre.

DAMPX Surveys

We don’t have salespeople on our team. Our surveys are conducted by salaried surveyors who aren’t driven by commissions.

If you require a survey, just give us a call. One of our surveyors will come to your property equipped with different tools, devices, and cameras to identify the underlying issue. Following this, we’ll compile a detailed report outlining our findings, if any, along with our recommendations.

Comprehensive Surveys

Concerned about an issue in your home? A damp survey might just be the solution, identifying the problem’s scope and offering remedies. Conducted by seasoned professional surveyors, our comprehensive and informative surveys offer a thorough examination, providing customers with a detailed understanding of any property issues. Please note, there is a fee for surveys related to property purchases.

Damp Survey Equipment

Our surveyors come fully equipped to uncover the source of your damp issue. They bring thermal imaging cameras, top-notch moisture meters, drain cameras, cavity cameras, everything you can think of! Yet, the most crucial tools are their own eyes and experience. Their expertise in knowing where to search and how to use the equipment makes all the difference.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to receive a report following a survey?

Please allow 48 hours for the report. If you need the report sooner, please let us know when booking the survey.

How soon can you complete a survey?

We usually schedule property visits within a week. If needed, we’ll make every effort to arrange an earlier visit.

Do you offer insurance backed guarantees?

Any specialised work done by DAMPX comes with guarantees.

Can you collect keys for a survey?

We’ll do our utmost to ensure a seamless process. If that involves collecting keys, it’s no issue at all.

You’ve given me a quote, how long is this valid for?

All quotes are valid for three months.

Types of Damp

Dampness in homes and commercial buildings  can occur due to various reasons and can be categorised into different types based on their causes and characteristics:

Wet & Dry Rot

Dry and Wet Rot both pose threats to a building’s structure. They not only mar its appearance but also pose health risks. Under specific conditions, their growth can be remarkably rapid.

Typically, these issues arise from dampness, water seepage, inadequate airflow, neglectful upkeep, or a mix of these factors. Among wood-rotting fungi, Dry Rot stands out as the most severe.

Structural Damp

Structural dampness refers to the unwanted presence of moisture within a building’s structure, stemming from either external penetration or internal condensation. A significant portion of building dampness issues arises from condensation, rain entering the structure, or rising damp.

Penetrating Damp

This happens when water enters a building from the outside and spreads through walls or roofs due to leaks in pipes, roofs, gutters, or cracks in the walls. It can cause damp patches, mould, or decay in affected areas. 

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